This collection features resources from Save the Children’s Disability-Inclusive IYCF Package and contains resources to support the inclusion of mothers, infants, and young children with disabilities in nutrition programming according to various levels of the IYCF model. The collection contains tools most applicable to IYCF-E contexts.
The collection was curated by Save the Children from a larger online compendium of resources housed in the Feeding and Disability Resource Bank hosted by UNICEF (formerly USAID Advancing Nutrition). The Feeding and Disability Resource Bank is organised into five thematic sections: 1) Identifying Feeding Difficulties 2) Managing Feeding Difficulties 3) Identifying Disabilities 4) Supporting Children with Disabilities and Their Families 5) Promoting Disability Inclusion. For additional tools in the thematic areas, please refer to the Feeding and Disability Resource Bank.
Save the Children’s Disability-Inclusive IYCF Package was developed for internal use in 2021, prior to the creation of the UNICEF Feeding and Disability Resource Bank. The Disability-Inclusive IYCF Package organizes practical resources according to the socioecological model in alignment with Save the Children’s Nourishing the Youngest common Approach.