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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS)

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The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

The Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) were developed to support child protection work in humanitarian settings by establishing common principles between those working in child protection, strengthening coordination between humanitarian actors, improving the quality of child protection programming and its impact on children, improving the accountability of child protection programming, defining the professional field of child protection in humanitarian action, providing a synthesis of good practice and learning to date; and strengthening advocacy and communication on child protection risks, needs and responses. This guideline aims to be user-friendly and reflects recent sector learning and evidence; improve guidance on prevention, gender and age inclusion, and other cross-cutting themes; and promote applicability to a broader range of humanitarian contexts.

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Child protection

Humanitarian action


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