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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Connecting Inclusive Feeding and Disability Resources to Nutrition Practices in Humanitarian Settings

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GNC, Global Nutrition Cluster

This tool is the offline “twin” for the soon to be developed online tool. The purpose of this tool is to help field practitioners better screen/manage/follow up children under 5 years old with feeding difficulties/disabilities.

An accompanying online tool will be released in Q4 2024.

Who should use this tool?
Frontline and Community Health Workers who work in nutrition or counsel caregivers of infants and children

Who will benefit from It?
Infants and children with feeding difficulties/disabilities

Purpose of this tool
To improve nutrition status of infants and children with feeding difficulties/disabilities and to boost inclusiveness of nutrition practices

What does it do?
It points Frontline and Community Health Workers to step by step feeding action plans to support infants and children with feeding difficulties or disabilities

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