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Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

Cost of Not Breastfeeding Advocacy Brief Series (2022)

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Alive & Thrive

Not breastfeeding has significant health and economic impacts. The Cost of Not Breastfeeding Tool is an evidence-based modeling tool that uses open-access data to estimate the health and economic costs of not protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding. First launched in 2019, the tool was the first-of-its-kind and used by organizations around the world to develop guidelines and make recommendations to increase breastfeeding rates globally.

A new and updated version of the tool, available on both the Nutrition International and Alive & Thrive websites, contains updated datasets, new indicators, a new function to calculate results for different scenarios or targets, and online access to the results for more than 180 countries. These briefs outline the key findings from this updated tool and highlight national results for selected countries.

These materials do not reflect a position of Alive & Thrive or Nutrition International regarding the legal status of any country or territory.

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