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Reports, Study: Assessments, Study: Evaluations

IMAM Costing in Northeastern Nigeria

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GNC, Global Nutrition Cluster

Study objectives

The primary purpose of this assignment was to establish the average programme unit cost for delivering IMAM services in Northeast Nigeria’s BAY states. This work is expected to provide empirical data to support the 2024 HRP cost estimates and budgeting purposes. Analysis was done based on the current scenario and scale of IMAM service provision.

Key Messages

  • The total annual cost to provide IMAM services in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states was US$78-114M, with US$41-82M for the care of SAM and US$30-56M for the care of MAM.
  • For budgeting and resource mobilisation purposes, it is recommended to use the low quartile to mid-point estimates of US$169-251 per case admitted for severe wasting treatment and US$117-166 per case admitted for moderate wasting treatment.
  • The average total cost to complete all phases of treatment when first admitted to:
    • a stabilisation centre – $201-750
    • an outpatient therapeutic programme – $190-495
    • a targeted supplementary feeding programme – US$147-207
  • Early detection and treatment will improve cost-efficiency and may yield overall cost savings.
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community management of acute malnutrition

cost effectiveness

cost efficiency

economic evaluation


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