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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Infectious Disease Outbreak Response Coordination: An introductory guide for non-governmental organizations

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National outbreak response coordination can be highly complex, and exact coordination mechanisms are typically specific to both the country and the disease. The purpose of this guide is to help national and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to understand the basic elements of a major disease outbreak response coordination. It gives an overview of outbreak response coordination, the factors that influence how coordination structures are operationalized at the national level, and tips on how your organization can effectively engage with and support outbreak responses. This guide does not attempt to outline a universally applicable methodology, but rather it describes common outbreak coordination mechanisms and some of the factors that shape and influence the coordination of an outbreak response.

These can also be found on the READY website.

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Disaster response

Emergency and disaster preparedness

Humanitarian and emergency response

Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)

Infant feeding in emergencies

infectious disease

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