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Briefs, Fact Sheets and Brochures

IYCF-E and MAMI: Working together to support the continuity of quality, respectful care for at-risk infants under six months and their mothers in humanitarian contexts

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ENN, Emergency Nutrition Network,IFE Core Group,IFE, Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies Core Group,USAID, US Agency for International Development

This brief has been developed to help to improve understanding of the synergies between infant and young child feeding in emergencies (IYCF-E)/infant feeding in emergencies (IFE) and the management of small and nutritionally at-risk infants under six months and their mothers (MAMI) to catalyse collaboration and strengthen practice in humanitarian contexts. This brief is not prescriptive as to what to do but identifies
avenues to explore to enable responsive, appropriate care.

The brief can also  be found on ENN here.

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