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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Management of At Risk Mothers and Infants Under 6 Months (MAMI) COMPASS Module

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Save the Children UK

Standardised programming guidance for Management of At-Risk Mothers and Infants Under 6 Months. COMPASS modules define the scope of each intervention, implementation tips, integration opportunities, indicators, clinical forms, auditing activities, job descriptions, and procurement lists.

To access the guidance, navigate to the COMPASS page through the link in the ‘View and Download’ box on this page. Once on the COMPASS page, search for ‘MAMI’ in the search box. Upon pressing enter, the module “Community Management of at-risk Mothers and Infants (MAMI)” should appear–click it to access the guidance.

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Child malnutrition

Newborn health

Newborn Health in Emergencies

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