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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Maternal and Newborn Health During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Operational guidance for humanitarian and fragile settings

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English, French, Spanish, Arabic

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(2.1 MiB)

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This guidance provides humanitarian actors responsible for maternal and newborn health (MNH) programming with priority readiness and response actions to maintain the continuity, quality, and safety of health care for pregnant and postnatal women and adolescent girls and their newborns during an infectious disease outbreak response in a humanitarian or fragile setting. It is designed to be an operational guide to support health actors to maintain critical services during infectious disease outbreaks and ensure necessary SRH considerations are integrated within the outbreak response; it is not a clinical guide.

These resources can also be found on the READY website.

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© Author/Publisher


Disaster response

Emergency and disaster preparedness

Humanitarian and emergency response

Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF)

Maternal nutrition

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