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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance

Mother-to-Mother Support Groups: Trainer’s Manual and Facilitator’s Manual with Discussion Guide

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English, Portuguese

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IYCN, Infant and Young Child Nutrition Project

These manuals (available in English and Portuguese) from US Agency for International Development’s Infant & Young Child Nutrition were designed for training mother-to-mother support group facilitators to lead participatory discussions on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. They provide step-by-step instructions for facilitating a one-day workshop with community leaders (including religious leaders, business leaders, and government officials) to support and improve children’s health and well-being through improved maternal, infant, and young child nutrition. The manuals provide detailed information on potential support group topics and answers to questions that may arise during support group sessions, with the global versions available to be adapted for a wide variety of contexts.

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