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Manuals, Toolkits and Guidance, Teaching Resources, Trainings, Webinars and Presentations

Working with Children with Eating & Drinking Difficulties

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In order for children with disabilities and feeding difficulties to survive with maximum health and wellbeing and achieve their full potential, they require adequate support from healthcare providers and informed and well-supported caregivers. Malnutrition is known to be common among children with disabilities, especially those with cerebral palsy (CP) and in addition to being associated with early death is a key barrier to a child’s health and development and well-being as well as the well-being of their caregivers. Even in well-resourced parts of the world, surprisingly little attention is paid to this population and their nutritional needs have historically been neglected. 

This programme supports qualified and experienced healthcare professionals currently engaged in the care of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, specifically focusing on addressing challenges related to eating and drinking. The content is designed for children who have already transitioned to solid foods. If you are dealing with issues concerning cleft lip and palate or neonates, kindly refer to the MAITS training programme titled ‘Working with Infants with Feeding Difficulties.’ 

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